Friday, March 7, 2025

Staying “On Point”

I have two points. I know it is a hard job to “host” the teaching session. I think that the listeners would get more out of it, if the hosts stayed on point. The point being the Neo-Tech literature. I had raised my hand to give feedback to the one host who didn’t understand why FRW was against John Dewey. The answer is in the Neo-Tech Advantage #77, where FRW explains that Dewy is definitely against integrated thinking and logic and is very Platonistic.
My second point is that there are people such as myself who don’t come from the Liberal Left background. I relate to Trump because he is Pro-business and has plans to boost American’s productivity by bringing jobs back to the US. I would feel very uncomfortable if Hillary Clinton gets elected. But anyway, I think Hillary is a Master Neocheater, at least Trump comes from a business background and is not a professional politician. He is blunt and outspoken. That’s what is so appealing to the masses right now.


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