Friday, March 7, 2025

Saturday Night Call

Hello and thank you to Roland, Dave, and callers. I enjoyed the integrating that took place on the call tonight. In respect to Sunday being Mother’s Day,HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY to all MOM’s, Grandmother’s, Aunt’s, Daughter’s, Sister’s, and Women. Thank you to all of you that have in one way or another LOVED other’s. I would ask that everyone take a moment to think about all the many times the love shown to you by another made a significant positive difference in your life. We are all powerful vibration beings with the capacity to send out LOVE to any person , place, or thing at any given moment. We can send out LOVE at the speed of Light!
For me, learning, practicing, and believing this has brought more love, appreciation, compassion, and personal realization of just how powerful we all truly are.
Given this I would like to ask everyone to try to take a few moments to honor, respect, and send out LOVE to the greatest Mother of All. Our own precious Mother Earth who constantly and LOVINGLY
sustains our lives every moment of every day and night.
She deserves our gratitude in returned expression of LOVE!!! Thank you all~n~ LOVE~LIGHT~PEACE~N~BLESSINGS to you ALL



  1. David O. Descoteaux says

    Thank you very much for your Integrations. Where would we be if not for our mothers’ love? From your maternal mother, as well as Mother Earth. They both give us that which we need to flourish. Mother’s Day and Earth Day give us the opportunity to reflect on, and be grateful for what they both mean to us. In being grateful for them both however, every day, I find I receive more love to propel me farther than I ever imagined possible.


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