Sunday, February 23, 2025

Positives in the Madhouse

On tonights call, script was not followed and a general panel was. Whereas it was different, it was quite refreshing to break away from the “norm”
Before the call, I and the other speakers of gigglese were speaking the language of love,forward thinking and playing at life. For those who for what- ever reason can not speak gigglese,I
encourage them to start the day “looking” for the positives in life. We all face challenges brought about by the AC world, what we also have is the ability to reject such negativity. I spoke to how I start the day–with gratitude. I have the ability to accept or reject whatever is in front of me. I also have the ability to create whatever is in front of me. When life gives me lemons, I prefer lemon meringue pie vs lemonaid. As an active member of the madhouse who speaks gigglese, I look for and find positives in life. It may be a cartoon I saw eqarlier in life, a joke someone told, a flower, a friend, or even a pet being the pet. I give smiles easily as that is the surest way I have of reaching others. It matters not whether those I smile at respond at that time, what I do by smiling with genuine love, is strip the crud from “their isms” known as mysticism. I “show” them by my actions, that all is NOT lost. I “show” them that it really is okay to be human.
I Am, I Can, I Will, be, do, go, have anything, anywhere, at anytime I Choose. For anyone or anything to defeat me is for me to let them, or allow it, and that just ain’t gonna happen. Not only do we get what we think about most of the time, we set the scene for our own futures by/through our own creations. As I waken each day, the first thing I say either mentally or aloud is..thank you. I look at each day as another day to accomplish more than I did the day before. It matters not the arena in which I grow and expand my consciousness as long as I grow. As long as I keep my dreams and focus intact, it’s all good for me. Every day is a good day, no matter what. Every instance throught the day is another step toward my future and the world I want to live in- the C of U world. Life is not always easy, it is always good. A single day of life is treasure
above treasure. Life coupled with consciousness..well, what could be better?.
I sooo appreciated Top Cat’s final words, regarding the trinity of man. It is up to me to not only recognize who I am,I need to recognize What I Am. I am the creator of my own reality, and I am powerful. As I tap into the power of the universe at will, I carry that knowledge with me.
I bid each of you peace,love and prosperity


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