Sunday, February 23, 2025

perspective on death

Gentlemen, I had to think about what I wanted to say before I gave you my perspective, Aside from any religious aspect, which I have said in the past, that on the times I asked God for help, I felt like there never was much if any response, however ,the prospects of living forever leaves me wondering if and aches and pains, and are the conditions that my clone must live in not include such things as death by initiatory force, wars, holocausts, and natural disasters such as floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, and other problems brought on by climate change etc. As a searcher, I have pondered these question even before I heard of Neo-Tech and Neo-Think, Yet the prospect of seeing my family, including my great-grandchildren grow up and hopefully prosper and create values for themselves and others would be quite interesting, Last year my wife passed away after many years of suffering, and until she left us her biggest regret was not being there to see our great grandson being born, so I guess I am still searching my soul for answers, Thanks for listening and love you! Wayne.



  1. David O. Descoteaux says

    I like that you gave this some deep thought. I see what you mean about asking God for help. Although they say that prayer can enrich your life and that prayers are answered, the fact is that it is the way the prayer/thought and how the brain sends the vibrations out to the Universe or “GOD” that delivers that which is asked. That is the dirty little secret to all of this. It is called the Law of Attraction. Some can use it even though they have no idea it exist and others can know of its’ existence and still not get it to work for them. I feel it has not so much to do with “Faith in” whatever it is you may or may not believe in, but how you send the prayer/thought out of your mind and that you have “Faith in” yourself that is key. My condolences on the loss of your wife. I feel that is a pain none of us should have to endure and that having regrets is a travesty, yet most of us will pass with some. That is why I feel it is very important for us to find a way to live much longer and forever eventually. I don’t want to have the regret that I did not do everything I could possibly do to make that happen! Not only am I sad that your wife will not get the chance to see your great-grandson be born and grow up, but that he will not have her in his life to help guide him to becoming the person he is meant to be. Roland and I appreciate your presence on our call and we hope we are helping you in your journey.


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