Saturday, February 22, 2025

Alzheimers – Passed on This Call

I decided to pass on this call. I have read a lot about health issues for over a decade – and while open and eager to learn more, I wish to focus on the literature/concepts and catch up with the meetings(recordings) to be current. I’m now only 3 days behind. Moving forward I’ll try to do one/day.

Since the call was about Alzheimer’s, I”d add that I believe I’ve read that autopsies show all brains with this disease have aluminum in them. So chelation or heavy metal detox could/should be important. I think there are various products suck as zeolites and clays and stuff and foods like cilantro are supposed to help. Of course aluminum is in almost everything – processed foods, vaccines, lotions and so on. Plus probably in chemtrails too. sigh.

I am currently working on following the MH diet – same food daily and monitoring portion size to cut back. I’ve started exercising again last week using interval training – it’s a short program called PACE express from Dr. Sears (in Florida) and when I remember I take his whole vitamin and vit D. Lastly I just purchase Charlotte’s Web Cannabidiol Oil (regular strength) and am going to try it. I keep reading it treats/cure many many conditions including cancer.

Good health to all!


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