Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ripples In Time Above Sub-Conscious Reality

Does the physically manifested Universe swirl like a whirlpool around the Infinite Mind of “The All,” (the cause) which is within the center of all things? as do the galaxies that swirl around their great central sun? and the atomic particles that are held together by the unexplained internal nuclear force in cyclonic motion?

Are centers within all things (the microcosm), holographic manifestations of the Omnipresent Universal Consciousness in the indeterminable and unknowable center of the Universe (the macrocosm)? “As Above, so below; as below, so Above.” (The Planes of Correspondence.) As in looking into a stream of flowing water, we see the bottom riverbed laying still not realizing that the movement we see in the flowing water above the riverbed itself is the very force that holds the river bed and its shores in place.

If the answers to questions one and two are “yes,” then do we humans dwell in a Universe that is being constantly manifested with particles appearing from the surrounding Negative Pole, and constantly vibrating, moving, cycling, evolving, and maturing, as it migrates toward the Positive Pole (center) where all forms, animate or inanimate, large or small, will again disappear and return into their waveform aspect of SPIRITUAL I-NESS from where they originally began.

This would be an immutable and eternal process in the cosmology of Space, Time and Change. Nothing is ever lost. All these events would take place in a time frame so large that it may escape the wildest of dreams in the human imagination. The Spiral model can be utilized to explain the cycles on the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual planes of Correspondence.

The simply velocity of movement will create movement and therefore a counter active current of movement that, when coming in contact with other bodies, will create the balance of a cyclonic motion adding both stability and sustainability to life. Drop a pebble in water and watch the rings expand and swirl out causing the same effect to be duplicated within the body of water as a whole as the movement occurs. So The I-Ness and the Physical Being are both made up of one and the same substance – Like water itself that, in the liquid form is flexible capable of movement; and when frozen as in ice, water is still water – just in another form. Since we are one and the same substance, how can we not then affect our other self, the I-Ness consciousness as we move through the water of the infinite mind space of the Universe itself?

There is no doubt in my mind that the Spiral model can expand and unfold into new areas of Knowledge by anyone with a desire to do so. An open mind would be of great help in accomplishing this because there is much more to learn from the seen and unseen realms of science and the laws of life’s nature itself.

Slowly mankind begins to look up into the reflection of his higher source. We he understands his role in the unfolding abstract of time he begins to formulate a new conclusion… A New Outcome, A New Future. This awareness is the light that shines in darkness… It is the essence of all energy in motion…