Saturday, February 22, 2025

Cure for Aging

Well I enjoyed the call to a point. Comparing an addiction to sugar to the disease of alcoholism I don’t feel is the same that is my honest opinion. A person with the disease of alcoholism can’t control it, if you can say that’s it get the sweets out of here no more its just a bad habit alcoholic see a beer in the fridge they going to drink it they can’t stop themselves. Also it is was hard to hear some answers when two people talking at same time it was nice one apologized to the other.
I have to watch my self around sweets I get a craving once in awhile for something sweet I’ll treat myself to something that not really good for me but I enjoy and I may not want it for awhile. This is my honest opinion take it however you desire be mad at me disagree or agree it doesn’t effect my view or opinion on this matter.

I-ness on computer

last nights call I would say was a spanking success. The call was great full of energy. Was a lot of great comments on the chapter. Learned a few things about the host’s. Learned red bull isn’t red. It was overall a great call.a point was brought up that because of how the story is told was the author maybe there/saw the future. Makes you wonder never thought of this concept until last nights reading of the chapter. When calls has the energy of last nights call they are more enjoyable and time passes quickly.

No More Donnie’s

I think the host did a good job with this chapter which deals with personal responsibility. However I was wondering if it could be explained what neocheaters like Stalin Pol Phot Marx Lenin who in my opinion took no responsibility for the people the destroyed/killed has to do with this chapter. It was presented well but I am amiss to what it had to due with the Miss Annabelle story could someone explain it to me. At one point one host ask if any hands were up yes and they went back to talking for several minutes before getting questions or comments. I was new to the call last night a this makes me wonder as I am trying to shift into integrated mind set if I should call in to listen next week. I know these host have been with Neo think and Mark Hamilton a good while otherwise they wouldn’t be hosting these calls and a lot of the callers have been doing this awhile. I am working on making the jump or shift to integrated thinking an getting of point doesn’t help.

Good Energy

Fun guys! At first it felt like Cartalk with Frick and Frack 🙂 Dave and Rolly and the gang fun and lively. It felt like a party.

It was good they touched on current events – the fires lately. Seeing as this reading was about suppressed feelings in the Anti Civ and allowing them to rise up, it’s encouraging to hear other men show and express emotion. I have been learning to do so in recovery and there is power among men and people in general. I think Kay was there too plus all the female listeners 😉

I was pleased/shocked to hear Dave has been a member since 2004. Such commitment – it shows in his ability and manner to discuss the literature and how it impacts him.

Paradise cities will rise up! a hub for like minded individuals in the Super Civ.

There was also a nice semi guided meditation/visualization at the beginning..a kinda power visualization.

Prison – of never experiencing true love. I know that one and have put sex on the self for myself right now

but reading gave hope to experience the joy of finding a soulmate and the passion and pleasure from a true sexual connection with a soulmate.

we bury our feelings…the AC forces us to do so. Takes time, effort and a safe space to allow them to come up. to allow us to discuss them. I am happy to see that the NeoThink Society, like the rooms of recovery, encourages that.

I’ve already gotten a chuckle reading how members signs their posts: i love you, my brothers, love to you all.. and so on. 😉

Alzheimers – Passed on This Call

I decided to pass on this call. I have read a lot about health issues for over a decade – and while open and eager to learn more, I wish to focus on the literature/concepts and catch up with the meetings(recordings) to be current. I’m now only 3 days behind. Moving forward I’ll try to do one/day.

Since the call was about Alzheimer’s, I”d add that I believe I’ve read that autopsies show all brains with this disease have aluminum in them. So chelation or heavy metal detox could/should be important. I think there are various products suck as zeolites and clays and stuff and foods like cilantro are supposed to help. Of course aluminum is in almost everything – processed foods, vaccines, lotions and so on. Plus probably in chemtrails too. sigh.

I am currently working on following the MH diet – same food daily and monitoring portion size to cut back. I’ve started exercising again last week using interval training – it’s a short program called PACE express from Dr. Sears (in Florida) and when I remember I take his whole vitamin and vit D. Lastly I just purchase Charlotte’s Web Cannabidiol Oil (regular strength) and am going to try it. I keep reading it treats/cure many many conditions including cancer.

Good health to all!

Staying “On Point”

I have two points. I know it is a hard job to “host” the teaching session. I think that the listeners would get more out of it, if the hosts stayed on point. The point being the Neo-Tech literature. I had raised my hand to give feedback to the one host who didn’t understand why FRW was against John Dewey. The answer is in the Neo-Tech Advantage #77, where FRW explains that Dewy is definitely against integrated thinking and logic and is very Platonistic.
My second point is that there are people such as myself who don’t come from the Liberal Left background. I relate to Trump because he is Pro-business and has plans to boost American’s productivity by bringing jobs back to the US. I would feel very uncomfortable if Hillary Clinton gets elected. But anyway, I think Hillary is a Master Neocheater, at least Trump comes from a business background and is not a professional politician. He is blunt and outspoken. That’s what is so appealing to the masses right now.

Biological Immorality

I would very much like to see if there is anyone else working toward Biological Immorality. I am currently working on the means of reading the bio-energy fields with the aid of a computer. Would it be possible to talk about this,and see if there are other working in this field to compare notes with.


Thank you for this mornings call, it really hit home with me. This was my first Sat morning call, in fact, my very first call was Congregation of Life last Sunday.

My Mom recently passed just over a year ago, she was a strong minded individual that was pushed down by gov’t and then lied to by the doctors.

Her final ailment was caused by a stroke. She was inflicted with Type 2 Diabetes, then Heart disease, then kidney disease, then calciphylaxis (hardening of arteries).
She changed her diet as directed, managed her sugar, everything the Doc told her, but it still defeated her, 1 week before her 60th birthday.

Oh how I wish one of us would have found this society then, I had received the first invitation about 6 years ago, and as I read my first manuscript, I allowed life to distract me from it, and then it was lost in a house fire. I can’t help but reflect on my past, but I have learned that the past must not be forgotten, in addition, the past must NOT be allowed to dictate our emotions and current actions. Motivate, but not dictate!

So, Thank You!

The Cure for Aging

The Cure for Aging, Sat, Nov 8th. Is there any way, I can get a recording, sent to my e-mail? So I can play it over again. I admit I would like to have a transcript of everything, to help me write down the information, (Doctors, websites and many other things). Hear Steve talk was scary, I know what my families go through, I also know, like Steve, who cares, accept it and live with it, its normal. Has Steve heard the series of 5 Lectures, from Eric Savage? They are very good. Steve, don’t die, make sure you live another 20-50 years. You people talk about cloning. (thats for another time) Think about a really cool clone body. Thank You for your time.


Just wanted to say great call and so much information to keep a proactive approach to our health. I am I am happy I found a Super Food product that I get the balance my system needs to stay off all drugs I would love to share this by giving you the where there is all the white pages to what Kyani actually does down to the cellular level. Because I am a distributor of this particular product I am just sharing the benefits and the easy regiment I am also grateful to all the information about all the natural cures I do believe we need to move away from the drugs and look more to the Natural meds… Love you all Juanita This is why I have not discuss this on call because I would not want to get misunderstood that I am try to sell but it is worth looking into Have a Great Healthy Week Great Call!!!!!!