Friday, March 7, 2025


The ability to be able to forgive someone who really has done harm to you or a family member. To forgive Eddie and give him another chance to become a member of the C of U. They are watching him as he changes and becomes more like them. Everyone is looking into the future and continues to grow and continue building the spaceship. More and more pieces are being provided and there is no more room for feelings and emotions that existed in the AC.

Jessie and Angie

I found this chapter to be very thought provoking. The actions taken by Jessie for his wife for the crime against her as a teenager show how the Anticivilization used to be even though they are now in the C of U. It took Jessie a long time to be able to discuss what happened as a direct result of the rape. This subject always brings up controversary at any time. This chapter shows how the Prime Law is applied and used in the right way. It is obvious that Jessie had a hard time dealing with his own actions. His inability to be able to discuss it anyone shows.

Initiation of Force Verses Initiation of Retalitory Force

I decided to review some basic word definitions in order to understand more clearly this section of tonight’s reading.


noun: retribution
punishment that is considered to be morally right and fully deserved.
“settlers drove the Navajo out of Arizona in retribution for their raids”
synonyms: punishment, penalty, one’s just deserts;revenge, reprisal, requital, retaliation, vengeance, an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth), tit for tat, lex talionis, retributive justice;redress, reparation, restitution, recompense, repayment, atonement, indemnification, amends “officials condemned the bombing and vowed retribution”


noun: vengeance

punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

synonyms:revenge, retribution, retaliation, payback, requital, reprisal, satisfaction, an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)
“your appetite for vengeance has destroyed your life”


noun: justice; plural noun: justices

just behavior or treatment.
“a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people”
synonyms:fairness, justness, fair play, fair-mindedness, equity, evenhandedness, impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, honesty, righteousness, morals, morality
“I appealed to his sense of justice”


noun: protection

the action of protecting someone or something, or the state of being protected. “the B vitamins give protection against infection”
synonyms: defense, security, shielding, preservation, conservation, safekeeping, safeguarding, safety, sanctuary, shelter, refuge, lee, immunity, insurance, indemnity “protection against frost”safekeeping, care, charge, keeping, protectorship, guidance, aegis, auspices, umbrella, guardianship, support, patronage, championship, providence.

The woman in the story was raped repeatedly BEFORE her union with Jessie the Janitor. He, having lived with her had seen her suffering. In this way, not only had it impacted his life as no children could be conceived due to the rape, but it also harmed her life.

I believe he practiced retribution and therefore enacted the initiation of force against these individuals against their wills (even as they had done to his wife). I would call this retributive retaliation and not justice, as justice is defined above.

The initiation of force is the act of one man initiating force against another, as opposed to retaliatory force. Force includes such acts as murder, theft, threats, and fraud. It is acting against another person without their consent.

The initiation of force is never moral. Man’s nature is such that he survives by reason. Survival by reason requires the ability to act on your reason. Force destroys that ability. When you use force against someone, you are destroying their ability to survive by destroying their ability to use reason, and their ability to survive will suffer to the extent that force is used.

When force is introduced into the equation of human relations, survival becomes harder and harder until everyone dies. If there is some parasite living off others, one thing is clear: he needs his victims while they do not need him. If you use force to get what you want, not only do you give him reason to retaliate, but you diminish your own ability to survive by becoming dependent on your victim.

The difference between the initiation of force and retaliatory force is that retaliatory force is a response to force. It is force meeting force in kind. It is the only proper response to a person who initiates force.

Since force inhibits survival, men can only thrive within a society if they are shielded from the coercion of others.

So Protection is about protection from harm in the future and immediate, Retaliation is always in the past tense.

I cannot call these events as read tonight Justice as justice is just behavior or treatment as in a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people; and having the synonyms of fairness, justness, fair play, fair-mindedness, equity, even handedness, impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, honesty.

I believe that when these men were attempting to harm Jessie’s wife and he were there at that present time he would be justified in using a weapon to harm them as he was immediately protecting his wife from harm. Retaliation is the messenger of war and destruction.

Elaine Ray

Jessie and Angie

Jessie’s behavior shows how he had a hard time being able to discuss his actions against the men who had committed the crime. I saw that it took him a long time to be deal with his own feelings about the whole situation. The trust he had for his friend enabled him to talk out loud about it. This chapter shows how he went from the past into the present and then into the future with the spaceship.

Saturday Super Puzzle

Friends on the call bring up things I never thought of and in a way I never thought of either. Would love to be a part of the Friday call.

Becoming as Children

In life our society finds too often that things taken out of context are o.k. as they help to represent a particular intent, or expressed idea. An honest person when attempting to share whole information will often attempt to use examples or analogies that both represent a particular position as well as another mention of the idea as framed in another context. It is important to avoid coorsiveness when attempting to make a point.

So I decided to add alittle to the ending thoughts from tonight’s call…
Yes the church speaks of putting away childish things; however, in this particular teaching the reference is to things of the world that separate us from awareness of a creator (God-Like Being).

Also, in the book of Thomas that was removed from the KJV, Thomas rebukes Mary Magdelene from approching the risen Christ stating that she is a mere woman; to which Jesus replies leave her alone for I will teach her to become a man.

Then there are the statements that Jesus spoke concerning children:
Luke 18:17 ESV /

Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

Matthew 18:3 ESV /

And said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:14 ESV /

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Mark 10:13-16 ESV /

And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

So you see there is something to becoming child like in the scriptures. In NT we say that Jesus was the first conscious man. So I think that we need to evaluate all of the teachings and present them completely so as to allow a person to make their own conclusions as pertains to from what context we should take or consider a teaching.

I think being objective is the honesty of a child’s innocence as it does in fact evaluate everything without preconceived ideas – we call this the curiosity of a child.

We should be curious about knowledge and make sure that we leave no stone unturned when seeking for lost treasures. Who knows, by doing so we may even find ourselves.

Thank You,

Chapter109 Superpuzzle

I loved the reading and the discussion afterwards. I think it stirs us all. I agree with Tom and should not ponder on the intentions of the AC and just focus on the cure.

Positives in the Madhouse

On tonights call, script was not followed and a general panel was. Whereas it was different, it was quite refreshing to break away from the “norm”
Before the call, I and the other speakers of gigglese were speaking the language of love,forward thinking and playing at life. For those who for what- ever reason can not speak gigglese,I
encourage them to start the day “looking” for the positives in life. We all face challenges brought about by the AC world, what we also have is the ability to reject such negativity. I spoke to how I start the day–with gratitude. I have the ability to accept or reject whatever is in front of me. I also have the ability to create whatever is in front of me. When life gives me lemons, I prefer lemon meringue pie vs lemonaid. As an active member of the madhouse who speaks gigglese, I look for and find positives in life. It may be a cartoon I saw eqarlier in life, a joke someone told, a flower, a friend, or even a pet being the pet. I give smiles easily as that is the surest way I have of reaching others. It matters not whether those I smile at respond at that time, what I do by smiling with genuine love, is strip the crud from “their isms” known as mysticism. I “show” them by my actions, that all is NOT lost. I “show” them that it really is okay to be human.
I Am, I Can, I Will, be, do, go, have anything, anywhere, at anytime I Choose. For anyone or anything to defeat me is for me to let them, or allow it, and that just ain’t gonna happen. Not only do we get what we think about most of the time, we set the scene for our own futures by/through our own creations. As I waken each day, the first thing I say either mentally or aloud is..thank you. I look at each day as another day to accomplish more than I did the day before. It matters not the arena in which I grow and expand my consciousness as long as I grow. As long as I keep my dreams and focus intact, it’s all good for me. Every day is a good day, no matter what. Every instance throught the day is another step toward my future and the world I want to live in- the C of U world. Life is not always easy, it is always good. A single day of life is treasure
above treasure. Life coupled with consciousness..well, what could be better?.
I sooo appreciated Top Cat’s final words, regarding the trinity of man. It is up to me to not only recognize who I am,I need to recognize What I Am. I am the creator of my own reality, and I am powerful. As I tap into the power of the universe at will, I carry that knowledge with me.
I bid each of you peace,love and prosperity

The Script

I thoroughly enjoy this call..I like the way Tom writes a script from the writings. The personalities come to life and are easier to follow, with dialogue. I am so impressed with all the readers. Once again I encourage all members to bring the trilogy to life in their own lives through reading a role, and immersing themselves in the character.
I bid you peace,love and prosperity

Neothink Saturday

Thank you Tom Cary and Kenneth Townsend for recalling this beautiful image of passion, romance, and true love. I am especially grateful for your insert. I realized tears and becoming emotionally distraught, happy or sad, may be soothing, but has no place in affirming myself as a conscious integrated thinker. Thank You again, Deborah