Saturday, February 22, 2025

Health and Wellness

I just listened to the recording and wanted to express how happy I was to hear all the good things to do for us all to stay healthy. This week I worked in intense heat selling fireworks and giving out TVP cards. I protected myself from over exposure by drinking water and using a wet towel around the neck.
To be aware of everything we drink is very important,and very much so in the heat.. I have been with sun stroke before and I do know the danger of too much sun even heat mixed if you do not stay hydrated. I just wanted to say I am always grateful to know new things to get us on the safe track to Biological Immortality ….. Just wanted to say Love you All .. Juanita

Chapter 98

BRAVO and a STANDING OVATION! Thank you to everyone for their input on Chapter 98. LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE, BLESSINGS, and HIGH VIBRATIONS to all of you.

Saturday Night Live

I really enjoyed the call it is very crucial that we can reach out and give a child that future they so deserve. Our system as a Country has failed our children and our work is just starting on building a system that gives them back their child of the past …. GREAT CALL appreciate what you are doing love you all Juanita

Cure For Aging

Good Morning Mentor’s, I think this is a very informative call, that we all can beging to understand the reason why it is important to be more aware of our choices we make everyday that can effect our health.
I really do appreciate being on the call and getting some good questions answered on my own choices that have been a major factor that could be causing my own weight not to drop like it should …. Thank you again for sharing,,, I also wanted to raise my hand to say something pertaining to the coconut oil it is great natural antibiotic for infections if taken correctly and also an ancient way of pulling that clears your sinuses and worth researching all of the benefits…….. Love you all Juanita


I want to thank Mark Hamilton for the value creation of this website and the Mentor Program. This opportunity is making me a better person every day. I am committed to living by example. I feel I must learn everything I can fit in my brain through Integrated Thinking. Roland and I wish to create a safe and loving environment where members are free to express their integrations for maximum benefit to all who join us on the Saturday Night Live Call. Come join us as we integrate All of the Prime Literature to bring the “Faction”, Miss Annebelle to LIFE!!

Saturday Night Call

Hello and thank you to Roland, Dave, and callers. I enjoyed the integrating that took place on the call tonight. In respect to Sunday being Mother’s Day,HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY to all MOM’s, Grandmother’s, Aunt’s, Daughter’s, Sister’s, and Women. Thank you to all of you that have in one way or another LOVED other’s. I would ask that everyone take a moment to think about all the many times the love shown to you by another made a significant positive difference in your life. We are all powerful vibration beings with the capacity to send out LOVE to any person , place, or thing at any given moment. We can send out LOVE at the speed of Light!
For me, learning, practicing, and believing this has brought more love, appreciation, compassion, and personal realization of just how powerful we all truly are.
Given this I would like to ask everyone to try to take a few moments to honor, respect, and send out LOVE to the greatest Mother of All. Our own precious Mother Earth who constantly and LOVINGLY
sustains our lives every moment of every day and night.
She deserves our gratitude in returned expression of LOVE!!! Thank you all~n~ LOVE~LIGHT~PEACE~N~BLESSINGS to you ALL

Chapter 92

Thank you to the Mentors for their efforts in bringing their passion to the call.I love to hear everyone’s honesty and expressions of their feelings. I think that it is a huge key for us to know that All feelings that we are capable of having hear in this place in time are necessary to opening the Consciousness of us all. Unfortunately for us in this place and time period we only learn what we know by experience. Also that unfortunately takes time.
Fortunately Mark Hamilton and Dr. Frank Wallace were patient and knew this. Fortunately they also discovered all of the knowledge to accept that even though you can not control the will of how others will choose to learn and grow. They Know that the C of U is possible and meant to be. When they found the know they also could not possibly sit back and do nothing. They knew that it was going to take time. They knew that the incredible LOVE and HAPPINESS that there personal revelation of the 12 Visions and through The Prime Cure being shown and felt to them. They could in no way think of not doing all they could to educate the world with their findings. The treasures that were shown to them were of such Value that one could not put a price tag on them. They knew that the Governments would try to stop the work for their own selfish agenda’s. We all are blessed in this time period to be able to SEE the C of U now. We all have talent’s and power’s that are yet to manifest.Mark Hamilton and Dr. frank Wallace have done a remarkable work. The Mentors and members have done so well. The seeds in the members active and inactive have been planted. They only need to be watered, nourished with sunshine, and loved. The largest task for many to overcome is that they are so compassionate that they are kept busy in the A/C world’s mundane tasks. The Government’s know this, and will continue to do all they can to ensure that everyone thinks that they are not enough.They will make sure you are to busy taking care of their force fed tasks. The Literature does have the answers to over come this A/C realm. Mark Hamilton’s first letter to us all stated the truth. You are enough.There is enough. You are safe. You are protected. You are supported. You are LOVED! The common denominator is that we have to begin to love our self first. Let the ETHER flow into your heart and nourish your cells like charging a car battery. It may feel hurtful the first couple times you send this love to yourself. That is a normal result. It make take several times before it feels natural. Opening up your heart and letting the most powerful charging Ether in to heal the water that is in your billions of cells throughout your body. You will begin to FEEL the LOVE for YOURSELF. You will KNOW and FEEL the POWER. You will see for yourself that you are enough. There is enough. You are safe. You are protected. You are supported. You are in control of whether or not YOU WANT IT! I know this because Mark Hamilton, Dr.Wallace,Steve Fagan, Charlie Moore, Kay Samalin, Sue Moore, David Descoteaux, Roland Lariviere, members at the NY Miniday Seminar an The NY Clubhouse, as well as callers on calls have all helped me to KNOW, SEE, and FEEL the Twelve Visions, The Prime Cure, and the C of U… The world is ready, and Mark Hamilton knows it. The Neothink Society can use all the help they can get in bringing the C of U closer to everyone’s reach. I know it seems like such a huge task. I personally promise everyone who decides to take on the challenge of Allowing the Ether into their Heart will loose the illusion that it is difficult, or will take a long time. You will see how simple and quickly even a smaller active membership of 2400# will do. We are energy and when we rise above empowered by the love the Ether will bring into your body. Nothing will stand in the way any longer. Everyone you know will desire what you’ve found. They will be asking you. How do I get some? The Vibrations of love will spread throughout this Earth very quickly. Cause without saying a word everyone feels, and when the people you are around keep feeling those awesome feelings we all desire. The germination will be unstoppable. Everyone Deserves this kind of Love and Happiness. There are no words to describe.It must be FELT! Absorb the Ether and SEE for YOURSELF! You know you want to. Start by allowing it even once a day. If you really want quicker results do it more!With absorbing all the Literature,Mentors advice,and members advice and using the advice on how to experience it for yourself. The Magic is when You decide to utilize the Knowledge that has been given and beginning with YOU! Want it for yourself!Then go get it!

Chapter 91

The genius break through phenomenon of a super society living in paradise being independence & interdependence in harmony. Note the glass wall that allows ones senses to activate the imagination. I’d like to add that the glass wall is not to be confused with a glass ceiling. A glass ceiling stagnates, limits, and destroys ones essence. The glass wall allows one to be stimulated to embrace honesty, integrity, and value creation. A super society in my vision has no glass ceilings, restrictions, or limits. A super society with the Twelve Visions Party corner stone will stimulate individuals to embrace their true selves. In doing so the super society will integrate and raise their vibrations beyond the current Earth AC mind and find a new way to nurture their own individual selves. Tapping into the individual essence that lives inside each mind, body, and soul here on current Earth. Dispelling the illusions and delusions that have created a veil that has hidden your individual FNE from succeeding at bringing the C of U to Earth. Everyone one of has the keys inside us to bring heaven to Earth. We all hold pieces of the super puzzle. The more you know the more you’ll trust the flow. The more you trust the flow the more open you’ll become to receive. The more you receive the more you can give. The more positive value creations you put out the more value creations will come to you. It is okay to want to give and it is okay to want to receive. It is Genius to want both!

Thank you mark Hamilton for your excellent works and creating a dialogue that opens the minds which opens the doors of the C of U for everyone. Thank you to Charlie, Sue, Dave, and Roland for your efforts on the call. Thank you Elaine for sharing your experience in discovering when you are embracing your FNE(s) that there is nothing else you’d rather be doing. Some say your in your vortex, your automatic writing, your integrated,or you called it your FNE Consciousness. I call it all of them. I call it that you have found that which nurtures your mind, body, and soul. It is very liberating. Thank you for sharing how it feels. I think that sharing the knowledge we learn is key to spreading the love and bringing immortality to man. Great call! Love, light, peace, and blessings to us all. Tina L.

Saturday Business Alliance/Networkmarketing

Thank you Mack and Elaine….Awesome call and so much information about what network is…. Bringing up the DSA and what it represents when you join a company in marketing…. Also sharing the concept and how replication makes the home based business works Also appreciate you mentioning working as a Team and building the business is more work on personal development and to let the system work The Big Vision Business The Mind Set helping others by just sharing a business that can bring Freedom to all of us by just sharing good information. Thanks again Juanita Heckel


I want to say thank you all for a great call. I also want to leave a response to a question that Charlie asked everyone to think about. How will you feel when you reached the point of ‘Knowing’ you have reached immortality. What comes to mind for me is; U & I SAW Eternal Man Come. You finally Understand, with right Intentions, Speech, Action, Work, Effort, Meditation, and Contemplation. You will ‘Know’ suffering ends, liberation from AC world manifestation. You will ‘Know’ self-for filling prophecy. You will ‘Know’ Nirvana,Bliss,Passion,Appreciation,and Gratitude. In simpler terms, I will ‘Know’ I have time to do everything I want to do and experience doing. I will be free of the hampster wheel. I will embrace each moment to the fullest!